In file code/C/pipe.H:

class GPipe : public GObject

The encapsulation of a pipe between two network nodes


public members:

GPipe( GPipe &input)
Copy constructorTakes the source, destination, and optionally the flow and capacity as arguments
Destructor, frees the message queues
GPipe & operator=( GPipe &input)
Duplicates the pipe and its message queues
void Reset()
Reset the flow information about a pipe (not capacity)
int ChangeFlow(int change)
Modify the flow by the specified amount
int SetCapacity(int cap)
Set the capacity to the specified value
int QueryFlow()
Returns the current flow
int QueryCapacity()
Returns the current capacity
int SendMessageOut(int msg_id, int msg)
Sends msg out with id msg_id
int SendMessageIn(int msg_id, int msg)
Sends msg in with id msg_id
int RecieveMessageOut(int msg_id, int &msg)
Recieves message out
int RecieveMessageIn(int msg_id, int &msg)
Recieves message in
void Print()
Prints the status of the pipe
int GetSource()
Returns the source of the pipe
int GetDest()
Returns the destination of the pipe

private members:

GQueue < GMessage > out_queue[2]
The message queue on the pipe to the destination node
GQueue < GMessage > in_queue[2]
The message queue on the pipe to the source node
int flow
The current flow on this pipe
int capacity
The maximum flow on this pipe
int source
The source node of the pipe
int dest
The destination node of the pipe

Inherited from GObject:

public members:

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, GObject &)


The encapsulation of a pipe between two network nodes

this class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling